Why Jennifer McCormick is the Candidate for Public Education

As the 2024 elections approach, it's important to choose a candidate who will prioritize and strengthen Indiana’s public schools. I-PACE proudly endorses Jennifer McCormick for governor.

Here’s why she’s the best choice for Indiana’s schools:

Fully Funding Our Schools
Jennifer McCormick is committed to ensuring that all public schools receive adequate funding. She understands that investing in our schools means providing every student with access to quality education, regardless of their ZIP code.

Supporting Fair Pay, Benefits and Collective Bargaining Rights for Teachers
Jennifer advocates for competitive salaries, benefits and restoring collective bargaining rights, giving teachers a voice in their schools. This ensures better working conditions, manageable class sizes, preparation periods and safe learning environments, ultimately benefiting students.

Inclusive and Modern Curriculum Standards
Jennifer supports modern and inclusive curricula that prepare students for the future, ensuring they receive a well-rounded education reflecting diverse perspectives.

Strong Mental Health Support for Students
Recognizing the importance of mental health, Jennifer is dedicated to providing robust support systems in schools, creating a nurturing environment for all students.

A Proven Leader
As the former Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jennifer McCormick has consistently put children and educators first, managing over half of the state’s budget with integrity and efficiency. She has fought against misguided reforms and profit-driven schemes, advocating for local control and decisions made by those who know students best—communities and educators. With her extensive experience as a teacher, principal and administrator, Jennifer McCormick is the leader we need to bring common sense and bipartisanship back to the Statehouse, standing up for the rights of all Hoosiers and reinstating Indiana as a leader in public education.

Support Jennifer McCormick by visiting her campaign website to donate and sign up as a volunteer. Your support can make an impact on the future of public education in Indiana.